Intuitive Thinking Ltd offers Business Intelligence products & services for the Banking Sector. Covering Data Warehousing, OLAP Cubes and Data Visualization as well as additional offerings relating to Data Intelligence resources. Established in 2016 and operating primarily within Private Banking
Data Warehousing
Data Warehousing is at the heart of the work I offer, covering support and development for existing data warehouses but also my own framework, dwhFramework, described in brief below. I'd be happy to offer a demonstration of that solution for any interested parties
This data warehouse framework is designed to minimize the work needed to implement a professional data warehouse without losing any of the flexibility of an in-house solution. In theory the solution can be used for any type of business although it has been implemented purely for banking, more specifically private banking.
The design incorporates two data models a star schema and a data lake style data store all built within SQL Server. The two data models compliment each other to cover the most important requirements of a data warehouse, that being, the query performance and usability of a star schema with the simplicity and coverage of a data lake.
The current implementation is also GDPR compliant, ensuring that any client details in the core banking system flagged for removal are also removed in the Data Warehouse.
Data Visualization
I focus on clean uncluttered reports that present the facts in the most effective way, maximizing the ease by which business users can process the information.
Dashboards can be tailored to different roles, for example a front office team lead, can have a dashboard that will show key metrics to monitor the team’s performance, such as clients with significant outflow, or in flow, and the top performing account managers for Earnings/yield %.
Reports & dashboards will be built to order, using either SSRS or Power BI, both of which are accessed through a web application which controls the user access as needed.
Visualizations offer more than just a fancy front for the data, it provides a means for judging the performance of key business areas at a glance and can be enriched in many ways, such as, colour coded Year on Year variance or budget comparison and annualized PL/AUM earnings %.
Interactivity is another key element allowing for further exploration of points of interest for business users, drill throughs and drill downs allow for more detail to be exposed when needed without overcrowding the intial report.
Power BI
The reports here are built with Ms Power BI which offers greater interactivity, performance, and a fantastic portal for users to manage and share their reports including the ability to create their own dashboards in moments using visuals from developed reports, or even natural language querying in which a visual can be create by a business user using plain English.
Highly Interactive
OLAP Cubes
OLAP cubes provide a more flexible tool that empowers Business Users with access the data in a way that is simply not achievable through generic or even tailor-made reports. They give users access to numerous attributes and measures by which they can build their own reports within Excel. This is a great self-service tool that complements reports and dashboards and fills in some of the gaps that may be left. Hierarchies provides drill downs which users can use to start analysis at a high level and drill into the detail.
Even in 2021 there's still a place for Excel, in fact Excel now offers many of the same features of Power BI....
Rapid Queries
Self Service
Data Intelligence
Data Intelligence in this context is simply the application of learning from data resources to improve the decisions within a business. Its widely known that the already vast pool of data available in the world today is growing at an increasing rate. That data is incredibly diverse, from social media posts, to central bank interest rates, to statistics on high net worth individuals. All of this data can be used to support important decisions within the business, predict changes to the business climate and generally empower businesses with additional understanding.
I research tools and data resources relevant to the banking industry. These data resources can be centralized in a cloud database so that access can be provided to multiple clients, whilst the tools I research are useful for a business to be aware of and represent part of the value I bring.
I welcome enquires on any business problems in which these resources can be expanded upon, such as, which country's to invest marketing in, or how to track changes in financial product trends.
Real World Applications
Examples of the application of this data would be
Benchmarking: where the profits and balance sheets of the business are compared against the wider market, within the country, or region
Interest Rate Analysis: To assess factors affecting the banks ability to make profit from margins on interest, such as central bank rates, inflation rates, government borrowing, quantitative easing
Brand Monitoring: Track the amount of positive or negative posts or articles about the business on social media and across the web (See below 'Social Media')
Due Diligence: Track mentions of wrongdoing in relation to a prospective or existing client (See below 'Social Media')
Social Media
Social media is a dream come true as an intelligence resource, providing understand what is being discussed around the world. It offers gossip on a global scale, and it has almost limitless applications. Brand monitoring is one example, in which you can see who and where your business is being discussed. Trending topics could be used consider the interest in a subject that may affect your business.
The interactive report below shows social media data being used for for the purpose of due diligence on clients to understand any perception of wrongdoing. By searching for keywords, relating to fraud, bribery & corruption, we can asses whether there is any perception of wrongdoing by the potential or existing client. The keywords and subjects, and posts can be translated between over 100 different languages, allowing for almost global coverage of social media.
Note: The report below is built with Ms Power BI, it shows social media mentions for the wealthiest individuals across the UK, France, Germany and Norway, the subject names have been anonymized. It is part of the solution to anonymize the names within the posts by replacing them with a subject ID, for example 'SJ1016'. Some of the posts have been translated into English also from various languages including French & German.
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Private Banking
The current implementation of my Data Warehouse framework is within a single Luxembourg Private Bank using T24 core banking system data (now called Temenos Transact). An out of the box data model for T24 data can be provided although every implementation will be different and so it’s inevitable that changes will be required, this is part of the reality and complexity of implementing a data warehouse for T24.
Some of the Key areas of the current implementation include, AUM, Flow, PL, Budgeting, Adjustments. As part of the PL work I have also implemented Transfer Pricing transformations, which will generate transactions for, Margin & Base Rate, across Interest and Forex, crucial if you wish to allocate profit to individual account managers for DAO performance assessment.
Some of the most important Dimensions of the current implementation include, Account Officer, Customer, Product, Chart of Accounts, GL & Portfolio.
About Me
Microsoft certified BI Developer, with over 10 years’ experience in business intelligence ranging from Design and development to Support and Testing. I work primarily within Ms SQL Server including T-SQL, SSRS, SSAS, SSIS, Master Data Services, and have now begun to use Power BI. My certifications include an MCSE (Data Management and Analytics), and four MCSA’s covering all certifiable areas of Microsoft SQL Server & BI technology.
Since Jan 2017, I’ve worked for myself under the company Intuitive Thinking Ltd, building my own business intelligence solutions including a data warehouse framework which is currently live at a Private Bank within Luxembourg. Previously I worked for Temenos a global banking software company, implementing a BI solution at a significant private bank within Luxembourg, the first private bank to adopt the particular version of the product. The majority of time I spent on site, including a number of other banks around Europe in places such as Amsterdam & Helsinki.
I’m enthusiastic about my work and in my down time I focus my energy around learning new skills, tools and resources that I believe will add the most value to a business.
As with anyone, I’ve taken a huge amount from the people I’ve worked with, business & technical. The work that I’m presenting here, takes greatly from that experience, but ultimately it is my own. Many of the ideas came from looking at how to improve on the solutions I’ve previously worked with whilst some are completely new ideas formulated from conversations with Business people.
Intuitive Thinking Ltd
UK Registered Co
VAT# 261 4668 94